Aug. 1, 1999
August 1999
Aug. 1, 1999
August 1999

USTA Boys' Results Go Wireless!

Millions of Palm Pilot users were excited to learn earlier this year that their pocket-sized digital organizers were going wireless. Now, USTA Boys' 18 & 16 National Championship results and player profiles are available via those high-tech computing devices.

Palm VII users can flip up the antenna on their wireless organizers, about the size of a pocket calculator, and download the latest match results from virtually anywhere. Even fans right in Kalamazoo, enjoying a match at Stowe Stadium, could pull out their Palm VII and get more information about the players they are watching by accessing their player profiles remotely.

If you have a Palm VII and would like to access 1999 player profiles and results, simply Shift-Click here to download the program you'll need from the USTA Boys' website.

Source: USTA Boys Staff